Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wise Words

That's the name of a feat I developed, which Iron Orphan will be taking when he reaches 12th level (coming up).

These Wise Words feat is a DnD 3.5 feat that allows the character with the feat the ability to use their Int modifier on a Diplomacy check (and Orphan has an Int of 14 and a Cha of 6), so long as the character has an opportunity to engage the other party in some sort of meaningful discourse. (DM's discretion what that means, but I would be generous.)

The only pre-requisite is one rank in Diplomacy. Orphan has 2 ranks in Diplomacy, and maxed out ranks in Sense Motive (which easily gives him the 5 ranks in Sense Motive he needs for the +2 synergy bonus), so once he takes this feat his Diplomacy check will be +6. Taking a few more ranks in Diplomacy when he hits 12th level (a class skill for a monk) will make him a pretty good negotiator.

This is a good complement to his partner, especially since Delegado (half-orc with a Cha of 8) tends to negotiate with a longbow.

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