Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Chapter 18 - Part 14

Meschashmal circled in the clouds, waiting for the idiotic little goblinoid to move. He couldn’t stay in one place, else his end would be faster. He’d seen the fiendish animal before she had, from his perch high above, but he hadn’t had a clear shot at it until it engaged her in combat. Then he thought he’d never get to it but she backed up, and he took the shot.

Got it dead center, too, Meschashmal thought proudly. He’d expected the bugbear to keep moving towards Festering Holt with the same dogged determination that she’d been demonstrating since he’d found her three hours ago. But she wasn’t. She was singing.

How did the goblins ever build an empire? Meschashmal wondered, flapping his great blue wings. When will she move, and let me see what she does in Festering Holt! I have to observe her, to see if she will help the three, and I don’t have a lot of time!

Finally the bugbear rose from her kneeling position, ceased her singing, and continued walking towards Festering Holt. The great blue huffed in relief…until he saw the demonic riders bearing down on him.

The pious bugbear walked on, ignorant of the battle that was beginning to erupt high in the skies above.

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